Journey (Movie credit Animation)(2023)
Directed and made by yunjou
Client/ USC Cinematic Arts
"Journey" 是一部為韓裔柔道選手紀錄片"Yeo Jeong: Journey " 製作的片尾動畫,以水墨風格強調其身分認同,並運用追逐黑色柔道帶象徵主角追尋夢想的精神。
"Yeo Jeong: Journey" is a documentary film crafted by the talented students of USC Cinematic Arts. It's about a Korean American family and their sons trying to go to the Olympics for Judo. To symbolize the essence of Asia, I chose an ink style that runs throughout the animation. The running boy represents the pursuit of his own dream to enter the Olympics, creating a powerful visual metaphor.